Wednesday, 23 September 2015


// 點解而家見工面試要過五關斬六障咁...

// Meet up with agent/consultants, lots of call with agent or HR // face to face interviews with the local teams/seniors/direct manager/VP/MD etc // some more face to face interviews with HR or another rounds and rounds of face to face or video interviews with regional or global head // sometimes even got skills interviews...

// 每一輪見工都要個幾兩個鐘, 每見一個人就要重複同一段說話

// 我知見工係咁, 但這個過程真係精神透支無極限

// 仲未計, 見得成工之後要時間適應新環境、新方式、新同事等等又要精神透支既野

// 我想要錢去生活去搬屋... 唯有努力啦... 呀呀呀呀呀

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